Our company imports various paper products imported from abroad from our warehouse in Samsun or from our warehouse in Adana at home and abroad.
OUR IMPORT IMPORT FROM INDIA AND RUSSIA. Imported from India and Russia, both sides are covered with Brown Film, the edges of the Panel are insulated with Acrylic paint. In the case of undamaged pallets.
Type : Layers Pine 640 kg / m3 density. Glue: WBP heat and water resistant phenol glue. Film: 120 gr / m2 coated with Dynea Brown Film. Dimensions: 18 mm - 21 mm 1250 x 2500 13 - 15 Layer
High strength and wear resistance. Moisture resistance. High surface quality and integrity. The outer and inner plywood sheets are birch veneer sheets. geometry stability of the board. according to the bonding strength index of conformity 68705 part 3 BFU 100 DIN.
High technical specifications. High wear resistance. Excellent resistance to chemical and other aggressive environmental effects. geometry stability of the board. Optimal ratio of weight and power. Ultraviolet radiation * () Resistant to film melamine. Comparative ease for further mechanical treatment. Possibility to produce thickness dimensions according to customer requests (surface, color, film density type). Compliance with international quality standards such as GOSTs and production regulations.
Sveza Russian Birch Plywood is produced from the layers of birch trees grown in Russia of 1.4 mm thickness. It is a plywood product imported from Russia. The front and back surfaces are covered with brown phenolic film (120 g / m2). The edges of the birch plywood are insulated with acrylic paint to prevent moisture and water. It is used in places where high strength, beautiful appearance and / or 50-70 reuse is required. It is correct to use filmed materials on surfaces that will not be plastered and will allow you to receive bright concrete. It is a quality and durable material that you can use in your constructions, concrete molds easily.
Our company imports various paper products imported from abroad from our warehouse in Samsun or from our warehouse in Adana at home and abroad.